Empowering Workers: UAE’s Breakthrough End-of-Service Benefits Reform

End-of-Service Benefits: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is known for its continuous efforts to enhance the welfare of both its citizens and expatriate workforce. In another groundbreaking move, the UAE government has introduced a new end-of-service benefits system for employees in the private sector and free zones. This system, designed to empower employees and offer them a broader spectrum of financial choices, will provide an optional, innovative approach to the traditional end-of-service benefits. In this blog post, we’ll explore the details of this revolutionary system, how it works, and what it means for employees in the UAE.

A Paradigm Shift in Employee Benefits

The UAE Cabinet, presided over by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, recently unveiled a series of federal laws, one of which introduces this new end-of-service benefits system. The core concept behind this system is to offer employees greater financial flexibility and security while ensuring their rights and enhancing the stability of their families.

How Does the System Work?

  1. Savings and Investment Fund: Under the new system, a savings and investment fund will be established. This fund will be managed jointly by the Securities and Commodities Authority and the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE). Employers will have the option to join this system.
  2. Investment Options: Employees will be given three distinct investment options to choose from: a. Risk-Free Capital Guarantee: This option provides security by guaranteeing the capital investment. It ensures that employees receive their savings intact. b. Varied Risk Investments: For those who seek higher returns, this option allows employees to select investments with varying risk levels, from low to high. c. Sharia-Compliant Investments: In accordance with Islamic principles, this option offers employees the opportunity to invest in Sharia-compliant funds.
  3. Monthly Contributions: Participating companies will be required to make monthly contributions to this scheme. These contributions will accumulate and be invested on behalf of their employees.
  4. Benefit Payout: Upon reaching the end of their service, employees will receive both their accumulated savings and the returns generated from their chosen investment funds.

Inclusivity for Government Employees

This innovative system doesn’t limit itself to the private sector alone. In a move that showcases the UAE’s commitment to inclusivity, government employees will also have the opportunity to participate in this end-of-service system for savings and investment purposes. This extends the benefits to a broader spectrum of the workforce, promoting financial security and well-being for all.

Why Is This a Game-Changer?

  1. Empowering Employees: Traditionally, end-of-service benefits were often paid as lump sums, limiting employees’ financial choices. This new system empowers employees to make decisions regarding their financial future.
  2. Enhanced Stability: By ensuring that employees receive their dues and providing investment options, the UAE aims to enhance the financial stability of families, even after an employee’s tenure with a company ends.
  3. Risk Management: The inclusion of different investment options allows employees to choose the level of risk they are comfortable with, catering to a diverse range of financial preferences.
  4. Sharia-Compliant Investments: For those who adhere to Islamic principles, the option of Sharia-compliant investments aligns with their beliefs, offering a unique financial opportunity.
  5. Inclusivity: The system’s extension to government employees demonstrates the UAE’s commitment to inclusive policies that benefit all residents, regardless of their employment sector.


The UAE’s announcement of this innovative end-of-service benefits system marks a significant step towards empowering employees and ensuring their financial security. By offering a range of investment options and extending the benefits to government employees, the UAE continues to prioritize the welfare of its diverse workforce. This groundbreaking approach represents a paradigm shift in the realm of employee benefits, putting financial choices back in the hands of the individuals who have worked diligently to contribute to the nation’s progress. As the UAE consistently strives to improve the quality of life for its residents, this new system stands as a testament to the country’s commitment to innovation and inclusivity.

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Q1: What are the benefits of the end-of-service benefits system in the UAE?

A1: The UAE’s end-of-service benefits system offers several advantages for both employers and employees. It ensures financial security for employees when they leave their jobs and provides a systematic way to save for their future. Employers benefit from the flexibility of participation and contribute to their employees’ well-being.

Q2: How do you calculate the end-of-service benefit in the UAE?

A2: The calculation of the end-of-service benefit in the UAE varies depending on the length of an employee’s service. Generally, it’s based on the employee’s final salary, and the formula involves multiplying the last wage by a specific factor determined by the number of years of service. This formula helps determine the gratuity amount an employee is entitled to receive.

Q3: Can I resign during my employment contract in the UAE?

A3: Yes, you can resign during your employment contract in the UAE. However, the terms and conditions of your employment contract, including notice periods and any penalties for early termination, should be considered. It’s advisable to review your contract and discuss your resignation with your employer to understand the implications fully.

Q4: What is an end-of-service award in the UAE?

A4: An end-of-service award, often referred to as gratuity, is a lump sum payment that employees in the UAE receive when they leave their jobs after completing a specific period of service. This payment is a statutory entitlement, and its purpose is to provide financial support to employees as they transition out of employment.

Q5: How is the end-of-service benefits system in the UAE different from the previous system?

A5: The new end-of-service benefits system in the UAE introduces a significant change by allowing employees and employers to participate in a savings and investment fund. This system aims to give employees more control over their end-of-service benefits, allowing them to invest in various options, including risk-free capital guarantees, different risk profiles, and Sharia-compliant investments.

Q6: What is the role of the Securities and Commodities Authority in the new end-of-service benefits system?

A6: The Securities and Commodities Authority plays a crucial role in overseeing and regulating the new end-of-service benefits system in the UAE. It collaborates with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation to ensure that the savings and investment funds established by the private sector are managed transparently and in compliance with regulatory standards.

Q7: Are government employees in the UAE eligible for the new end-of-service benefits system?

A7: Yes, government employees in the UAE are also eligible to participate in the new end-of-service benefits system. This means that they can take advantage of the savings and investment options offered under the system to secure their financial futures.

Q8: What are the three investment options available under the new end-of-service benefits system?

A8: The new end-of-service benefits system in the UAE offers employees three investment options:

1. Risk-free capital guarantee: This option provides a secure investment with guaranteed capital protection.

2. Investments with varying risks: Employees can choose from low, medium, or high-risk investment profiles based on their risk tolerance.

3. Sharia-compliant investments: For those who prefer investments aligned with Islamic principles, Sharia-compliant options are available.

Q9: Are companies required to contribute to the new end-of-service benefits system?

A9: Yes, participating companies are required to make monthly contributions to the new end-of-service benefits system. These contributions ensure that employees have a pool of savings and investments to access when they complete their service with the company.

Q10: How does the new end-of-service benefits system enhance financial security for UAE employees?

A10: The new end-of-service benefits system enhances financial security by giving employees the opportunity to save and invest their end-of-service benefits. This system offers employees a choice in investment options, potentially leading to higher returns compared to traditional gratuity payments. It safeguards employees’ savings, supports their rights, and provides stability for their families during transitions in their careers.

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