5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai For Desi Expats

5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai: Okay, get ready to bat, cricket fans! Even though the sun is on fire outside, Dubai and Sharjah are buzzing with indoor cricket! Doesn’t matter if you’re a superstar like Virat Kohli or just starting out, there are awesome places to play all year round. So, grab your bat, dust off your pads, and let’s hit a six with our guide to the top 5 indoor cricket havens in Dubai and Sharjah! Prepare to be wowed!

1. Dubai Sports World:

5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai For Desi Expats

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Woah, Dubai Sports World is like a giant playground for cricket lovers! It’s inside the Trade Centre, super cool and comfy, not like the hot sun outside. Picture this: you smack the ball on their mega-pitch, the biggest around, 34 meters long! Boom, sixes fly through the air, everyone cheers, your sweat feels like victory! But it’s not just practice, it’s war time! Join tournaments, play against other cricket fans, show them your skills, be the champion! So grab your bat, Dubai Sports World is waiting for you to hit it outta the park!


  • Boasting the region’s largest indoor pitch (34m x 13m).
  • air-conditioned environment.
  • regular tournaments and leagues.

Location: Sheikh Zayed Road, Trade Centre, Dubai.
Cost: AED 100-150 per hour.
Discounts: None currently available.
Timing: Weekdays: 10:00 am to 10:00 pm, Weekends: 9:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Dubai Sports World reigns supreme, offering epic battles on its enormous pitch and hosting frequent tournaments to fuel your competitive spirit. Cool off in the air-conditioned haven and enjoy budget-friendly rates. Flexible timings cater to early birds and night owls alike.


Contact No.: +971-800-3982, 
Website: https://www.dubaisportsworld.ae/

2. Cover Drive Club:

5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai For Desi Expats

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Cover Drive Club in Al Quoz 1 isn’t just for cricket champs, it’s for everyone who loves to move! Sure, they’ve got a giant cricket pitch to practice your swings and crack big sixes. But if you ever get tired of whacking balls, there’s tons more fun! Kick around a football, ace some table tennis, swing like Tarzan on the swings, even play virtual golf! Feeling fancy? Dive into the pool, groove to Zumba, or pump iron in the awesome gym. So, get ready to sweat, laugh, and maybe even discover your hidden athletic talent at Cover Drive Club! It’s like a giant game party for everyone!


  • Spacious cricketing area,
  • bowling machine training,
  • diverse sports options (football, table tennis, virtual golf, pool, Zumba, gym).

Location: 6th Street, Al Quoz 1, Dubai.
Cost: AED 100-150 per hour.
Discounts: 20% for online bookings.
Timing: Weekdays: 10:00 am to 11:00 pm, Weekends: 9:00 am to 11:00 pm.

Cover Drive Club isn’t just about cricket; it’s a playground for the athletically inclined. Hone your swing, refine your technique with the bowling machine, and indulge in diverse sports when you need a break from the crease. Enjoy budget-friendly rates with an enticing discount. Flexible timings make it convenient for busy schedules.

Contact No.: +971-50-775-4840
Website: https://www.coverdriveclub.com/

3. United Pro Sports:

5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai For Desi Expats

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United Pro Sports is like the VIP box for cricket superstars! Think fancy pitches, like magic carpets that bounce the ball just right, made in Germany no less! Want to be a batting beast? They’ve got practice zones to perfect your swing. Got a killer yorker in your mind? Challenge the bowling machine and see if it stands a chance! Even better, join epic tournaments and show everyone your champion moves.

But wait, there’s more! Tired of solo glory? Grab your friends and battle it out on basketball, football, and mini-tennis courts. United Pro Sports isn’t just about cricket, it’s about teamwork, high fives, and maybe even a trophy or two! So, if you’re serious about your game and love a good friendly brawl, United Pro Sports is your kingdom! Come rule the crease (and the courts)!


  • Four premium German-engineered pitches,
  • bowling machines, practice areas,
  • multi-team tournaments,
  • additional sports (basketball, football, mini tennis).

Location: Al Quoz Industrial Area 3, Dubai.
Cost: AED 100-200 per hour.
Discounts: 10% for bookings exceeding two hours or club membership. Timing: Weekdays: 9:00 am to 11:00 pm, Weekends: 7:00 am to 11:00 pm.

United Pro Sports caters to serious players who demand the best. Step onto German-engineered pitches, refine your skills in dedicated areas, and join electrifying multi-team tournaments. For the multi-sport enthusiast, additional courts await. Slightly higher rates reflect the premium experience, but discounts reward long-term commitment and team spirit. Flexible timings accommodate early risers and late-night warriors.

Contact No.: +971-4-340-1122 
Website: https://www.unitedprosports.ae/

4. Spring Sports Academy:

5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai For Desi Expats

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Forget boring practice! Spring Sports Academy is like a magic factory for cricket dreams! Kids just starting out? They’ve got special classes to help them hold a bat like a pro. Wanna be a national cricket star? They’ve got coaches who know all the secret tricks! No matter how old you are or how good you think you are, Spring Sports Academy has a program just for you. It’s like a training ground for future champions, and you get to be part of the team! So grab your bat, dust off your dreams, and let Spring Sports Academy turn you into a cricketing legend!

Inside Spring Sports Academy, it’s like cricket heaven! Nets and pitches everywhere, shiny bowling machines ready to throw fast balls, and even cameras that watch your every move (don’t worry, they’re just helping you become a superstar!). Super coaches are there to point out what you’re doing awesome and what needs a little tweak. But it’s not just practice, it’s adventures! They organize camps, trips to other places to play, and even tournaments where you can show off your skills and make new cricket buddies. So come on, join the Spring Sports Academy team and let your cricket dreams take flight! You might even become the next big batting hero!


  • Indoor and outdoor nets,
  • pitches,
  • bowling machines,
  • video analysis,
  • coaching and training programs,
  • Organize camps, tours and tournaments.

Location: Multiple locations across Dubai and Sharjah (Sharjah English School, DPS Dubai, English College Al Safal, MSB Private School Al Nahda & Uptown International School Mirdif).
Cost: AED 300-600 per month (varies based on program and coaching level).
Discounts: Available for multiple program enrollment and friend referrals. Timing: Varies depending on location and chosen program.

Spring Sports Academy is a crucible where cricketing dreams are molded into reality. With comprehensive coaching programs, indoor and outdoor facilities, and diverse opportunities like camps and tournaments, it caters to players of all ages and skill levels. While monthly charges vary, the investment unlocks your cricketing potential. Discounts for committed players and families make the journey even more accessible.

Contact No.: +971-6-542-6449
Website: https://www.springsportsacademy.com/

5. Sharjah Cricket Stadium:

5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai For Desi Expats

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Wanna feel like a cricket legend? Then head to Sharjah Cricket Stadium! It’s like a museum of cricket heroes, where Kapil Dev’s epic score still whispers in the wind and Sachin’s sixes are remembered like fireworks. Picture this: you step onto the same pitch, swing your bat just like the greats, and maybe even hit a ball so high it touches the clouds! So put on your cricket shoes, get ready to feel the history under your feet, and imagine yourself as the next superstar at Sharjah Cricket Stadium! Who knows, your name might be the next one echoing in the stands!

Okay, forget the desert heat! Sharjah Cricket Stadium has an awesome indoor playground just for you! Nets and pitches galore, nice and cool, perfect for practicing your swing or challenging your friends to a fun match. Think Indian cricket? This place has smaller boundaries, like a mini-challenge for every shot! You’ll be bowling yorkers and smacking sixes in no time, feeling like a champion with every dot ball. So ditch the sun and come play in the cricket paradise of Sharjah Cricket Stadium! It’s like a time machine for your batting dreams!


  • Legendary cricketing venue
  • 12 state-of-the-art indoor nets
  • Expert coaching and organized tournaments
  • Vibrant cricketing atmosphere

Location: Second Industrial Street, Sharjah.
Cost: AED 50-100 per hour.
Discounts: Available for bookings exceeding four hours and registered clubs.
Timing: Weekdays: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Weekends: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Walk the same hallowed turf as Kapil Dev and Sachin Tendulkar at the iconic Sharjah Cricket Stadium. Trade the desert sun for the cool comfort of their indoor nets and pitches, where you can practice or challenge your mates to a match, experiencing the unique thrill of smaller boundaries reminiscent of Indian playing conditions. Budget-friendly rates and discounts for extended bookings or registered clubs make this historical haven accessible to all. While weekend timings are shorter, weekdays offer ample time to chase your cricketing dreams on this legendary ground.

Contact No.: +971-6-542-6449
Website: https://www.sharjahcricket.ae/


The cricketing spirit thrives indoors in Dubai and Sharjah, thanks to these exceptional facilities. Whether you’re an aspiring cricketer looking to enhance your skills, a casual player seeking friendly matches, or a competitive soul ready for tournaments, these indoor cricket havens provide the perfect setting. Explore the cricketing havens of Dubai and Sharjah and keep the spirit of the game alive indoors. Play on!

5 Epic Indoor Cricket Facilities in Dubai For Desi Expats


Q1: Where can I play indoor cricket in Dubai?

A: Dubai offers several top-notch indoor cricket facilities, including:
Dubai Sports World: The region’s largest indoor pitch, perfect for epic matches and tournaments.
Cover Drive Club: Spacious cricketing area, bowling machine, and diverse sports for a well-rounded experience.
United Pro Sports: German-engineered pitches, practice areas, tournaments, and other sports courts for serious players.
Spring Sports Academy: Comprehensive coaching, training programs, camps, and tournaments for all ages and skill levels.
Sharjah Cricket Stadium: Historic venue with indoor nets and pitches, offering a taste of cricketing glory.

Q2: What are the best indoor cricket facilities for Indian and Pakistani expats in Dubai?

A: All 5 facilities mentioned above cater to the large Indian and Pakistani expat communities in Dubai, providing a welcoming and familiar atmosphere for cricket enthusiasts.

Q3: How much does it cost to play indoor cricket in Dubai?

A: Costs vary depending on the facility and time of day, but typical hourly rates range from AED 100 to 200. Some facilities offer discounts for online bookings, extended hours, or club memberships.

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